Presidium Electronic Gemstone Gauge

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Product Overview

Presidium is known for pioneering industry innovations that make an impact, and the Presidium Electronic Gemstone Gauge is one such example. Were you ever worried about measurement errors? Not anymore: the direct digital readout greatly diminishes the possibility of error or misinterpretation altogether. The precision gauge accurately measures each specimen to the 1/100 of a millimeter, thereby eliminating the possibility for even the slightest miscalculations. When it comes to precision and speed, this gauge is superior. Traditional gauges require one to strain the eye to distinguish between 0.1mm tick-marks on a tiny display. However, not only is this gauge more accurate by being able to measure with 0.01mm accuracy, but it eliminates eye strain and the possibility for error, making the entire process easier and faster. Carat conversion is also a breeze, since the entire process is now digital, accurate, and occurs at the touch of a button.
0.01 mm Accuracy
Digital Readout
Touch-Button Zeroing
Ultra hard platforms
About 5,000 hours of battery life
mm/carat conversion
Special magnetic carrying case (very portable)
Automatic shut off when placed into carrying case
1 Year Factory Warranty
Internationally patented electronics
Weight: 110g
Dimensions: 97mm x 61mm x 16mm


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