ProSpector 3 – Handheld XRF Analyzer

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Product Overview

  • World’s fastest XRF analyzer (throughput above 500 000 cps – more than twice as fast as any other handheld XRF) – highest accuracy within the shortest measurement time, excellent precision
  • World’s smallest (236 х 193 х 68 mm), and lightest (1.05 kg with a battery) handheld analyzer – easy to operate
  • Dustproof and waterproof instrument body, with IP-67 ingress protection rating – ProSpector 3 can be operated even under water!
  • Automatic collimator changer for small spot analysis of jewelry, welds etc.
  • Folding display – for easy operation in the lab stand without connecting to a PC
  • Highest mobility – up to 16 hours of autonomous operation on a single battery charge, hot battery swap
  • Superior calibration stability, compensation of influence of ambient temperature and pressure variations – no need to spend time for calibration
  • Two CCD cameras for macro- and micro- view
  • Scanning barcodes (commodity EAN and UPC codes, QR codes, book ISBN codes, Databar, Codabar, etc.) that contain information about the sample: name, number, code, etc.
  • Full compatibility with ElvaXTM PC software
  • Radiation safety: proximity sensor and low count rate detection
  • Great choice of accessories for comfortable work.

Data can be transferred from ProSpector 3 to a PC directly via USB, WiFi or Bluetooth connection. MicroSD socket is also available for data storage and transfer. The detector shield protects detector Be window, the most fragile part of the instrument, from being punctured by sharp objects like wires, shavings etc.

The 36-month manufacturer’s warranty DOES NOT cover Shipping to/from manufacturer for repair(s), any Mechanical damages of ANY kind; i.e. drops, spills,
miss handlings, any damages to the detector window, or any foreign items dropping into the aperture(s). These are high-tech devices they record any abnormal
occurrences; the manufacturer will confirm all concerns with a report from the device.

-40 kV W anode
X-Ray tube,
-Si-PIN detector
-Instrument case.




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